New Stamp Honors Jury Duty
The U.S. Postal Service has issued a new postage stamp calling attention to the importance of jury duty.
An attractive and colorful stamp in its own right, Virginia attorney Doug Landau was especially drawn to the idea of a stamp that honors jury duty.
You see Doug’s father, Norman Landau, Esq. was an avid philatelist — he was a stamp collector! Norman loved collecting stamps, and, like Doug, believed in and trusted the civil jury system. How he would have loved to add this stamp to his impressive collection!
Jury duty is a cornerstone of democracy in the United States. The jury — 12 representatives charged with deciding the innocence or guilt of a defendant — ensures fair treatment of the accused. In civil cases, you could say the jury represents the conscience of the community.
Next time you buy stamps, consider purchasing the jury duty stamp. Of course, if you are a philatelist like Mr. Landau Sr., consider adding this to your collection! Either way, pause for a moment to reflect on the important role jury duty plays in our society. Next time you are selected to fulfill your duty as a juror, remember to “serve with pride,” as it says on the stamp!
If you or someone you know is in need of legal representation, do not hesitate to contact us at Abrams Landau, Ltd. by email or phone 703-796-9555.