Meeting Workers Compensation Clients at Richmond Bill’s Barbecue “pit stop”
been a long-time fan of Bills, especial the lime aids, pies and sandwiches. The staff is always friendly and there are 2 locations very close to the Virginia Workers Compensation Commission.
Clients often feel more comfortable meeting outside of the Court house and lawyers’ offices. That is one of the reasons the Herndon law firm ABRAMS LANDAU owns its own buildings and why they look, feel and sometimes smell like your grandmother’s home. Because of the mild weather, Landau met with a new client on the front porch of the Law Shop. Both injured worker and lawyer enjoyed the sun, rocking chairs and not being inside on a beautiful day. If you or someone you know or care for has questions about the law and would rather see a lawyer outside the office, in the sun or at the court where the official records are kept, e-mail or call us at ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. (703-796-9555). We do not need to hide behind big, fancy desks or “rental offices.” We just need to meet, talk and find out the answers together.