How Can I Get to the Doctor’s Office if I am Disabled?
The individual must arrange for the transportation itself (e.g., call a cab, use MetroAccess or other transit) but the aide is there to provide assistance and companionship. Most transit organizations will allow an aide to accompany a senior or person with disabilities free of charge.
This wonderful program is funded through a new federal freedom grant awarded by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, and made possible through a partnership between Alexandria, Arlington and Home Care Partners, Inc.
Lawyer Landau encourages his disabled clients who live in the Alexandria or Arlington areas to consider utilizing this service for upcoming medical appointments. For more information or to schedule assistance for you or a loved one, call 202-638-0736. You may also click here to read more about the program.
If you or someone you care for is disabled and there are questions about what laws apply and what benefits may be applicable, email or call Abrams Landau, Ltd. at once (703-796-9555).