Fatal Fall From Herndon Virginia Parkway Building Roof
A fatal fall from the building located at 950 Herndon Parkway has taken the life of a Maryland roofer. A joint investigation with a Compliance Safety and Health Officer from The Department of Labor and Industry and the Herndon Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Section determined that the victim, Pablo Aquino of Hyattsville, lost his footing and fell off the four-story building, according to the report in the Herndon Patch The injured worker was part of a crew hired to replace the building’s roof. Herndon Police as well as Fairfax County Fire and Rescue crews responded to the scene. They performed CPR on Aquino and transported him to a nearby hospital, but Aquino died from his injuries.
According to Herndon workplace injury lawyer Doug Landau, there may be a Virginia and/or Maryland workers compensation claim for the dependents of this young roofer if it is determined to be an accidental injury by accident. Landau adds that he has not seen significant investigations by Virginia O.S.H.A., which has been under-staffed and had its budget cut. “At the Herndon law firm ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd., we have seen the tragic consequences of falls from roofs and scaffolds. Families are left without the major breadwinner, and transportation and burial expenses can break the bank. Funerals, especially when the remains are transported to a foreign country, can be frighteningly expensive. Workers comp benefits are limited, even in fatality cases. It is important to get an experienced comp lawyer who actually tries fatal work accident cases so that the appropriate benefits are paid,” Landau added.