Failing to Stay in Touch Costs ABRAMS LANDAU clients Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars each Year !
While the Virginia Workers Compensation Commission REQUIRES a valid address for injured workers in order to receive benefits, and failure to keep the Commission updated can lead to a termination of benefits, several clients each year fail to apprise the staff at ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. of their new addresses, phone numbers or medical status, saving the insurance companies hundreds of thousands of dollars each year ! While the insurance companies certainly appreciate not sending these clients the money they have in reserves on their claims, in nearly every case, the injured worker and their family could use the funds. Several clients have let the time limits run on their claims despite correspondence, phone calls and, where available, e-mails from ABRAMS LANDAU staff to advise them of their rights and responsibilities. Do not let the time run on your claim. Follow you counsel’s instructions and act responsibly and in a timely manner. The time limits in the law are strict. If you want to give the insurance company a “present,” send a card. And remember, they are not going to do the same for you.