Doctors do NOT have to talk to Workers Comp Rehabilitation Specialists or Adjusters in Virginia

The Virginia Workers Compensation Statute says the rehab personnel (as well as insurance adjusters) are entitled to “copies” of medical reports.  “Copies” does not include verbal reports.  It is Doug Landau’s position that they have no right to speak to the doctor, the nurses or the doctors’ staff.  Yet the insurance company people try to do it ALL THE TIME !  And, if you let them do it, they will use this “off the record” contact against you, your case and your family.

That having been said, most doctors have been brain washed into believing that they have to talk to insurance representatives, including rehabilitation personnel.  Talk to your doctors.  Your treating specialists, your family doctor and all health care personnel you see in conjunction with you case.  Tell them you DO NOT WANT THEM TALKING with anyone from the insurance company.  They can get copies of reports of your treatment for the workers comp injury, and the bills related to your care.  BUT, conversations outside your presence are NOT OK !

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