Child Safety Advocates – DC Trial Lawyers Give Away Helmets
families were invited to decorate and make their bicycles safe and enjoy a free day of cycling activities. There was a bicycle helmet check in addition to the giveaway station, courtesy of National Children’s Medical Center and DC Trial Lawyers. As a member of the TLA-DC, I and everyone at the Landau Law Shop would like to see more events aimed at preventing needless injury and loss. The TLA-DC is a voluntary, nonprofit bar association of, by, and for D.C. area trial lawyers dedicated to upholding and safeguarding our civil justice system.
According to its web site, when it opens in 2013, the National Children’s Museum (NCM).will be a world-class cultural and educational center with a mission to inspire children to care about and improve the world. As the only national museum focused on children, NCM will house some of the most exciting and engaging exhibits, programs, and resources ever designed to spark the imagination, feed the soul, and celebrate the power of children and their families to create change. Opportunities for inspiration, learning, fun, and engagement will reach far beyond the walls of the actual museum. Millions of children and families will experience the Museum and connect with one another through a robust online experience, programs that take the Museum into communities, and partnerships with children’s and youth organizations nationwide.