Airport injury lawyer Doug Landau is used to traveling. After all, since he is licensed to practice law up and down the East Coast, he often travels to meet with clients or try cases for injured airline employees who live, work, or have been injured in a state other than Landau’s home state of Virginia.…
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Airline attendant work is becoming increasingly more dangerous. This is because carry-on baggage is getting heavier as passengers try to avoid checked luggage fees. Plus, flight attendants are called upon to do more and more maintenance and custodial work on the aircraft, and the American population is becoming older and more obese. Injuries on the…
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Many aircraft passengers are under the mistaken belief that flight attendants do not have significant physical duties in their jobs.They could not be more mistaken. Flight attendants are responsible for the critically important task of opening and shutting the aircraft door, which requires the strength to lift 80 pounds. Flight attendants also assist passengers putting…
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