What are typical case costs in Worker’s Compensation claims? How are they paid? Will I be given advance notice? Does the insurance company have to pay my expenses? How about my attorneys fees? These are important questions that injured workers ask every day. While every Workers’ Compensation case is different, there are certain costs that…
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When you are injured in a car crash or on the job, your doctors send you and your insurance company medical bills based upon the value of their services. When the insurance company receives these bills, whether they are from your health insurance company, car insurance provider or your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier, these…
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Can I get a permanency rating before I get my hip, knee or shoulder replacement? The short answer is “yes.” Experienced workers compensation lawyer Doug Landau notes that if an injured worker had a leg amputation, even with a prosthetic device, they still have had a 100% loss of the limb. Therefore, they should get…
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Unlike a car crash or other accidental injury case, Virginia Workers’ Compensation cases have no absolute settlement date. In other words, a workers’ compensation case in Virginia and Washington, D.C. can go on for years and even decades. At the Abrams Landau law office, we have some files that are nearing three decades old for…
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Many of us have watched television and seen the police on the cop and detective shows say something like, “anything you say can and will be used against in a court of law.” In real life, apart from certain custodial police stops, you don’t get such a fair warning. For example, if you are hurt…
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After the airlines refused an injured flight attendant’s doctor’s request to surgically fix a screw that had come loose in her shoulder, the company’s insurer told her they were closing her file. The young Florida woman, who flew out of Dulles International Airport (“IAD”), proceeded to hire ABRAMS LANDAU upon the recommendation of a Pensacola…
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