Tag Archives: intense exercise

Tapering is hard to do

Reston Triathlon Trial Lawyer Doug Landau is often asked, “How are you able to train consistently and push yourself so hard so as to compete in State, Regional and National competitions ?” The harder task for the sports injury and disability lawyer is “tapering” before a major biking, running and/or swimming race. “Tapering” means reducing…

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Ashburn Injury Lawyer Landau gets Active Release Technique at Nations Triathlon

“Active Release Technique” or “ART” is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Doug Landau has had ART treatment before and after races and found it to be beneficial, especially with regard to iliotibial band (“IT Band”) pain and hamstring…

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Rehab to Racing open water swims; a new, safe swimming alternative for Northern Virginia Triathletes and long distance swimmers

Rehab to Racing (“R2R”) announces OPEN WATER SWIMMING AT MILLBROOK QUARRY Beginning Sunday May 17, 2009, 2:30-4:30PM Supervised open water swim opportunity for Northern Virginia Triathletes and long distance swimmers. Learn techniques to help you in open water triathlons and swimming races. These sessions can really give you a “leg up” on your competition and…

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