Running safety – winter runs
When it gets dark earlier in the evening, and when glare and low sunsets compromise driver’s vision, it’s best to run off the roads or with a group. Join a local running group in your area and enjoy your running. Running off roads has its own set of special hazards. For one thing, the uneven surfaces that I favor can cause twisted ankle in the low light conditions this time of year. Also, the cold temperatures make soft cinder, mud and grass courses more unforgiving, leading to stress on the knees, IT bands and ankles.
If you run on streets, wear as much reflective and light colored gear as you can. I understand that black clothing is “slenderizing,” but as a driver myself, I have a hard mew seeing runners in all black during “rush hour.” If you can run during your lunch break, when the temperatures are higher and the lighting is better, try to do so. It will keep your energy level high during the afternoon “doldrums,” and you won’t be so tired (or unmotivated) facing a workout after your commute home at the end of the day. I tend to overdress in the winter with lots of layers, as I can always remove a light jacket, hat or open up some vents. When there is snow on the ground, I like to wear high gators like mountain hikers wear. It keeps snow and ice out of my running shoes and socks. As long as my extremities are warm (my hands, feet and head), then I can keep going for many miles. But, as soon as I get wet and cold, I head for home,. hot soup and a bath. Stay warm, run with friends, be safe and have fun this winter.