University of Miami Law grads have “mini reunion” at Alexandria Courthouse
During a recent personal injury jury trial in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, University of Miami Law School graduate Doug Landau ran into another Miami Alum at the Courthouse on King Street. Alexandria Law Librarian Christine Hall is often asked by overworked, stressed out lawyers visiting the law library to help them out in a pinch with legal research, finding forms and getting the audio visual equipment for courtroom presentations. With a Masters degree in library science from Catholic University and a law degree from the University of Miami, Ms. Hall is well trained to handle most of these emergencies. Landau and Hall reminisced about their days in Coral Gables, Florida and their favorite professors at “the U.” As he is heading off to his 25th Law School reunion at the University of Miami this week, Landau had this picture taken to send to their alma mater.
The Alexandria Law Library provides legal reference materials, forms and the services of this professional law librarian for the benefit of the entire Alexandria community, including its citizens, government agencies, local businesses, judiciary and members of the Bar. The Alexandria Law Library and Bar Association is located at 520 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 (703.548.1106 tel.,703.331.5683 fax,