Insurance companies are in the business of “Risk Management.” If they can contain how much they might have to pay, then they get to keep most, or in some cases, all of the premiums they collected from a particular unsafe driver, company, family, and even the victims of a crash. In cases where the insurance…
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Workers’ Compensation weekly payments under Virginia end after 500 weeks. It does not matter if these payments are for only partial wage loss, permanent impairment, or even amputation. However weekly payments from the workers’ compensation insurance company are paid, the 500-week limit is an artificial ceiling that really hurts younger, injured workers and the families…
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In one of our case’s we previously reported on in our 12/2/2019 blog post, the defendants appealed a Manassas judge’s August 2019 Opinion. The judge found that the victim’s post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was causally related to his compensable injury by accident, and that the claimant was entitled to weekly Temporary Total Disability (TTD) wage…
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Generally, in order to get wage loss benefits BEYOND the 500 week limit, a worker injured in the Commonwealth has to have lost 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 hands, 2 eyes, 2 feet, etc., in the same workplace accident. In a recent appeal to the Virginia Court of Appeals, an employer’s argument that the Virginia…
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Is there a limit to how many body parts can be covered by workers compensation? If there are medical records that prove the injuries are because of the workplace accident and the defendants—typically the employer and insurer—agree that they are compensable workplace injuries, then no, there is no limit to how many body parts can…
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