When a worker is attacked by a dog while trying to perform their job, they can collect workers’ compensation AND a settlement or verdict from a lawsuit against the dog owner. Attorney Doug Landau came across case report where a tree trimmer and handyman was bitten by a dog while working. The dog bite was…
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While shopping in a California IKEA store, personal injury attorney Doug Landau of the Herndon, Virginia Abrams Landau law firm came across useful information to prevent tip-over injuries or death. Every two weeks, a child dies in the United States from furniture appliances or TVs tipping over, according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission. In…
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While the plaintiff in McMurray v. Bryan won a verdict for horse bite that tore off her thumb in California, Herndon-Reston area injury lawyer Doug Landau believes that if the case had been tried in Virginia, the result would have been a Defense verdict ! The plaintiff was a 52-year-old woman who lost her thumb…
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