It seems we were not the only ones to notice and comment on the recent NPR/ProPublica series on our nation’s workers’ comp system. Entitled “The Demolition of Workers’ Comp,” the NPR/ProPublica piece is an investigation into workers’ comp in the United States. It presents a scathing depiction of an inconsistent and difficult-to-navigate system once designed…
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National Public Radio (NPR) has published a thorough and revealing article on our workers’ compensation (WC) system. (Click here to listen to the audio.) The article starts with a concise summary of the history of workers’ comp in the United States. WC began in the early 1900’s, as industrialization put workers at an increased risk…
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After you are injured in an on-the-job accident, you may be told by your doctor or physical therapist that you may soon be able to go back to your job. In other words, the treating healthcare providers believe you have healed sufficiently for you to go back to your employer. However, very few physical therapists…
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We received an important bulletin from IWP Pharmacy regarding the reclassification of hydrocodone combination products from a Schedule III medication to a Schedule II medication effective October 6, 2014. The change in classification is designed to minimize misuse of the drug. What if I am Currently Being Prescribed Hydrocodone? According to the IWP bulletin: All…
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This is a simple question with an elusive answer. Suppose you have been injured on the job and the Employer, Insurer and/or Third Party Administrator (“TPA”) want to settle the case with you. That’s right, the parties to this potential workers’ compensation (WC) claim have agreed on a settlement. If you have not yet filed…
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