Sometimes ONE on the job accident can result in TWO injury cases according to Herndon Virginia injury and Social Security Disability lawyer Doug Landau
Just as one pregnancy or clutch can result in two eggs in the nest of this blue footed booby, one accident can result in several potential claims for the injured worker or innocent victim. At the Herndon Virginia law firm of ABRAMS LANDAU, we see many cases where the client comes to us with a workers compensation claim, and we are also able to successfully represent them in a personal injury case due to a defective product or the negligence of some third party. We also help those disabled workers whose injuries are permanent with Social Security Disability cases, so that they can access the money that was taken out of their pay checks by the Federal Government BEFORE the usual retirement age. And, we have some clients for whom we have been successful before the state workers compensation board, the Federal Social Security Administration AND County trial court !
{Photo of blue footed booby, with an EGG AND A CHICK IN THE SAME NEST in the Galapagos, Ecquador, January, 2009, by Doug Landau}