How many days will my Social Security Disability case take ?
Social Security Disability lawyer Doug Landau is often asked, “How long will it take for my disability case to get to court ?” In prior posts this week the Herndon, Franklin Farms and Reston area lawyer examined denial and allowance rates as well as the number of claims heard by area Social Security offices. The “National Ranking Report” published in the Social Security Forum this spring shows the processing times for offices throughout the United States for the month ending in March of 2010:
Rank Hearing Processing Time
1 Middlesboro 252 days
16 Charlottesville 336
25 Richmond 354
77 Baltimore 444
80 Greensboro 453
90 Tampa 463
118 Newark 514
135 Miami 556
139 Charleston 568
144 Anchorage, AK 642
If you or someone you know is permanently disabled, please e-mail or call us at (703-796-9555) there is also additional information at ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd.