Dangerous Conditions Do Not Save the Case
In a case, successfully handled by the ABRAMS LANDAU injury team, the injured worker fell off a roof, shattering both ankles. The Workers Comp Insurance Company denied the claim, alleging that the worker did not have on his safety harness at the time of the fall. One of the defenses in an otherwise “no fault” workers compensation case is the wilfull refusal of a known and enforced safety rule. Where a worker is found to be drunk, stoned, or in violation of a relevant safety process, they can be denied ALL workers compensation benefits.
The injured worker told Doug Landau that he was not wearing his harness when he fell from the roof.
The injured worker countered that the boss made them go up on the roof, despite the workers pointing out that it was raining and there were heavy winds. The boss countered that they were behind schedule, over budget, and that the workers could either go up on the roof or lose their jobs.
The preliminary indication was that the judge would be unimpressed with the bad weather and dangerous conditions. Furthermore, there was no OSHA investigation of this workplace injury. The Landau law team has found Virginia’s OSHA office to be significantly underfunded and understaffed. They have not been an effective presence in the 40 years that Doug Landau has been helping injured workers.
If you, or someone you care for, have been injured due to dangerous conditions at your workplace of have been disabled under similar circumstances, please do not hesitate to contact us please contact us at frontdesk@landaulawshop.com or call 703-796-9555.