Cutting down on the cost of health care and medical reimbursements in the United States
The costs of medical care are on everyone’ mind these days. Having worked for the incoming President of the American Medical Association (“AMA”), Doug Landau has long advocated for positive changes in the delivery and economics of the delivery of medical services in the United States. The subject is complex, and there are many competing voices with competing interests in the debate. However, having read thousands of pages of treatment records, billing statements and medical care forms, former American Association for Justice Disability Section Chairman Landau believes that one area ripe for enormous savings would be in the area of medical records and forms.
The Herndon Reston area attorney believes that there should be ONE standard form, just as there are standard forms and “Common Applications” for colleges, Medical Schools and other important decision-making processes. Instead of doctors’ offices and hospitals having to fill out one kind of form for State Farm, another for Allstate and a completely different document for The Travelers, a blue ribbon panel, like the “Super Fund Study Group” should be set up, given a deadline to produce standardized forms for ALL insurance companies, self-insured employers and third party administrators. This would save time in the health care providers’ facilities, enable easier computerization (and ease the trend toward “paperless” files and offices), and reduce the cost, in terms of time, manpower and money, to all concerned.