Bicyclist hits steel grate, breaks neck – jury verdict
After his bike accident with the steel expansion joints on the Lee Bridge in Richmond, Doug Landau noted with interest the recent case of a Connecticut woman who was injured when she struck a steel grate while cycling. The Hartford Metropolitan District Commission(“MDC”) has been ordered by a Connecticut jury to pay $2.9 million to a woman cyclist who was injured in a bicycle accident in 2002. According to the Hartford Courant, the jury ruled that the MDC had improperly placed a steel grate on a recreational path. The woman was on her bike when she hit the steel grate, breaking four vertebrae in her neck. The jury’s verdict represents reimbursement and restitution for what has been taken from this active athlete. If you or someone you know has become permanently injured or disabled in a bike accident or car crash, please e-mail or call us at ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. (703-796-9555)