After 500 weeks of workers Comp benefits – then what ? SOCIAL SECURITY TO THE RESCUE !
Our client worked as a cook for a major hotel chain. He injured his groin when it struck the corner of a steel food preparation table. The chronic physical groin and right lower extremity pain failed conservative and aggressive (surgical) treatments. His pain was severe enough to constantly interfere with his attention and concentration to perform even simple work tasks and that he is incapable of even low stress jobs. The client has good and bad days resulting in his being absent from work more than four days per month.
This young man also had a psychological evaluation performed, which identified the patient as severely learning disabled. The diagnosis revealed: reading disorder, mathematics disorder, ADHD, Executive Dysfunction, continuing limited physical capabilities for employment with emotional involvement and serious impairment in social, occupational or school functioning in which the individual is unable to keep a job.
Based on this information, Doug Landau was able to request an “On The Record” determination. The Federal Social Security Judge (“ALJ”) agreed, and sent the client and ABRAMS LANDAU, Ltd. a “fully favorable decision” for full disability income benefits, which will provide him with Federal medical benefits and pay him and his family for as long as he remains disabled. Because this client is no longer receiving Virginia Workers Comp benefits, he will receive his full Social Security check, and his son will also receive monthly cash benefits.