Airport trucks with no bumpers can result in big injuries. You may have noticed that many motorized vehicles zipping around the runways do not have bumpers like passenger cars. These luggage tugs, service vehicles, maintenance crew Cushman and other electrically powered devices are vital to efficient movement of jets on the Air Operations Area (“AOA”).…
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Air-traffic controllers have plenty to do safely coordinating arriving and departing aircraft, as well as vehicles on the airport operations area. With the surge in the numbers of these small, unmanned aircraft being used in American air space, their jobs, and those of pilots and other airline personnel, have become exponentially more difficult and dangerous.…
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Frequently airline employees who have been injured on the “Airport Operations Area” mistakenly believe that if they report an accident to their employer, or their employer’s insurance company, that they are “covered” under the Virginia workers Compensation Act. Unfortunately, this is not always true. While Virginia law requires that prompt “Notice” be given to the…
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