When an airline employee is injured in an accident that occurs in a state other than the one in which she was hired, or where the airline’s place of business is located, the employee’s injury case and workers’ comp cases could be brought in different states. In the DC metro area, many National (Reagan) and…
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Folks who travel a lot — either for their job, or pleasure, or both — should be aware of the perils of flying post-surgery. According to an article in The Washington Post, doctors typically recommend no flying for four weeks after any surgery since during this time, the body’s natural blood clotting ability goes into…
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When we were kids, there were always arguments about who got to “go first.” But at the airport, this question takes on great importance. With large jets, small luggage tugs, turbo props and fuel trucks all using the same surface area, air travelers wonder how chaos is avoided when there are no “aircraft traffic cops”…
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