Category Archives: Taking Care of Family

Does One Family Member’s Receipt of Social Security Disability Make Another Family Member’s Case Harder?

Does a wife’s receipt of Social Security Disability make her husband’s Disability benefit case harder? How about her son or daughter’s claims? The short answer is “one family member’s receipt of Social Security Disability Income (“SSDI”) based upon their own medical and earnings record, should have no impact on another’s application for benefits. And, if…

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Now that I’ve Won my Social Security Case, Will My Benefits Stay the Same For the Rest of My Life ?

Probably not, according to Virginia Social Security lawyer Doug Landau. Very likely your monthly Social Security benefits will go up! When the U.S. consumer price index (CPI) increases, Social Security recipients get a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). In 2014, Federal Social Security payments went up by 1.5%.  This came to an average of $14/month. Just as…

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