Category Archives: Disease Claims

How Do I Know If I Meet a Social Security Disability “Listing”?

Most people may assume that if their doctors, therapists or other health care professionals write that they are “disabled from work,” they should automatically win their Social Security Disability (“SSDI”) case right off the bat. “Most people, unfortunately, are wrong,” notes Herndon disability lawyer Doug Landau, “as the Federal Government does not simply accept conclusory…

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Demolition of Workers Comp — Truth or Hyperbole of the Highest Order?

It seems we were not the only ones to notice and comment on the recent NPR/ProPublica series on our nation’s workers’ comp system. Entitled “The Demolition of Workers’ Comp,” the NPR/ProPublica piece is an investigation into workers’ comp in the United States.  It presents a scathing depiction of an inconsistent and difficult-to-navigate system once designed…

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