The 2008 Virginia Triathlon Series (“VTS”) ended for me on Saturday with the Smith Mountain Lake, Big Lick Olympic Distance Triathlon. While I did not “seize up” and walk, as I had the last to races I completed, this was a tough, painful and slow event for me. Having done a 2:19 last year, and…
One of the season highlights for this TriathlonTrialLawyer is the Big Lick Olympic Distance Triathlon at Smith Mountain Lake in Huddleston, Virginia. This race is also where the Virginia college teams vie for bragging rights on a course that takes place in an award-winning state park. Virginia Tech, James Madison University, UVa and other schools…
As the 2008 Triathlon season draws to an end, it is important to also thank the volunteers. It has been another fun season of racing in venues all over the United States. Other than the rainswept Duathlon National Championships with its multiple bike crashes and wipeouts, the racing has been safe, competitive and exciting. Having…
While I have celebrated athletes and coaches, I do not want to overlook the people who put it all together for the athletes, spectators and sponsors. The Race Directors make it all possible. Brian Crow, Tom Cook, Chandra Richardson, Steve Garver, Donna Rostant, Terry McLaughlin, and Greg Welch all do terrific jobs putting on safe,…
In lieu of a sports post today, please visit our sister site (LandauInjuryLaw), which has devoted the week to the clients we have helped after the devastation of 9/11.
People seeking my assistance with their accident and injury cases often have significant pain and disability, but little in the way of “objective” evidence to go with their “subjective complaints of pain and discomfort. In a court of law, the “objective proof” is often critical to the members of the jury who are familiar with…
When a sidelined Ironman calibre athlete came to us recently, we were unable to take the case without objective proof of her physical injuries. One method of determining the nature and extent of long term injury is through the use of DMX. DMX stands for Digital Motion X-Ray. DMX was effectively used by the doctors…
While visiting friends over Labor Day Weekend in West Virginia, I pulled out the dusty table tennis rackets and played ping pong for the first time in a very long time. I had learned from my parents and my grandfather, William Abrams. He was consistent and did not waste time in between points. He also…
Sunday, August 24, I again participated in the Reston Bike Club’s Annual Century Ride. While we did not do the 100 mile plus route, we did complete over 55 miles on the roads and paths of Loudoun and Fairfax counties. My wife, Dennis Green, and Dr. Thomas Fleeter enjoyed the gorgeous day, well-stocked rest stops,…
The City of Manassas has a wonderful Farmers Market on Saturday mornings in the summer. I learned this last year when I participated in the Manassas Recreation and Parks “Stonewall Jackson 5k.” This year, my middle daughter, wife and I all participated. The course goes through the streets of “Old Manassas, and over 350 people…