In this tragic case, a woman drowns in a pool, causing brain injury and death. Her counsel alleged failure to follow pool operations manual and universal lifeguarding techniques. The 26-year-old plaintiff was enrolled in swimming lessons to learn how to swim for her honeymoon. Her classmates called her a “sinker” because she could neither tread…
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Practicing what he preaches, Triathlon Trial lawyer Doug Landau hops in the pool and runs in the deep water. The Athletes Lawyer is shown here at the Fairfax County Parks Providence Community Center Pool before a recent successful trial. This helps move byproducts of intense bouts of exercise out of sore muscles without impact or…
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TheAthletesLawyer Doug Landau has been preaching the benefits of exercising in the water for decades. With his background in Sports Medicine, this busy trial lawyer triathlete has been dragging clients, friends and family to pools all over the globe for years. Because there is almost no chance of injury or exacerbation of any underlying condition,…
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