A recent story out of Miami, Florida highlights the need for closer monitoring of businesses for financial impropriety, including workers’ compensation fraud. In this case, the owners of two local businesses — a supermarket and a tax preparation company — were arrested for such crimes as money laundering, organized scheme to defraud (first-degree felonies), multiple…
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In our last post, we explained what a permanency rating is (sometimes known as a Partial Permanent Disability or PPD rating). The next logical question is — How Much is it Worth? Let’s use an example of an injured worker who gets a PPD rating of 47% on his leg. How will his award amount…
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Permanency Ratings are used in Workers’ Compensation cases. A permanency rating (also known as a Partial Permanent Disability or “PPD” rating) is a doctor’s rating for loss of use, range of motion, strength, sensation, etc., to an arm, leg, eye, etc. The rating is given when a doctor determines that the patient has reached “maximum…
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A recent opinion piece in the Miami Herald caught the eye of Herndon lawyer and advocate for victims’ rights, Doug Landau, for two reasons — ONE: both the author — David L. Deehl — and one of the attorneys mentioned in the piece — Ervin Gonzalez — are friends and sometime running buddies of Landau’s…
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National Public Radio (NPR) recently aired a report entitled, “Unfit for Work: The Startling Rise of Disability in America”. In the piece, the NPR reporter launches attacks against the disabled and the attorneys that work to assist them in their quest to obtain disability benefits. In response, eight (8) former Commissioners of the Social Security…
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