Tag Archives: leg injury that required amputation

Mediation results in $5 million settlement for driver who sustained burns to 40% of his body in truck crash

Previously I have written about burn injuries and the pain and disability they cause. I have also discussed the benefits of mediation in catastrophic injury and disability cases. In a case mediated by former Alexandria Circuit Court Chief Judge Kent and prepared by my friend and experienced Richmond trial attorney Chris Guedri, the innocent plaintiff…

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Woodbridge lawyer steals $4 million from clients, prompting Virginia State Bar to consider “Payee Notification”

After a Prince William County lawyer stole millions of dollars from clients, the Virginia State bar is reconsidering a Payee Notification Rule. Stephen Conrad settled hundreds of car crash, premises liability and other accidental injury cases and did not tell his clients. Furthermore, very few of this lawyer’s clients received notice that there was going…

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