Raptiva (or efalizumab), a psoriasis drug, may cause a serious brain infection and even result in death. The Food and Drug Administration on Feb. 19 issued an advisory citing three confirmed cases — and a possible fourth case — of persons being diagnosed with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) after they were treated with Raptiva. The…
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In a sweeping victory for consumers, the United States Supreme Court this morning held that FDA drug regulation does not preempt common law claims for damages under state law. Diana Levine, the courageous plaintiff in this lawsuit, lost her arm after being injected with the drug Phenergan, brought suit against the drug maker, Wyeth. The…
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A recent NY Times article began: “Note to victims of accidents, medical malpractice, broken contracts and the like: When you sue, make a deal.” That is the clear lesson of a soon-to-be-released study of civil lawsuits that has found that most of the plaintiffs who decided to pass up a settlement offer and went to…
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