A “presumption is a legal term which indicates that a judge will “presume” a fact in evidence, unless or until other facts are introduced to show that such evidence is not to be presumed. For example, in fatal on the job accident cases, if the victim is found at a place, time & manner consistent…
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The denial of even the limited benefits of workers compensation to severely disabled due to brain injury due to a loophole in Virginia law has several legislators looking to fix the law this session. House Bill 1475 would help workers injured in unwitnessed accidents who are unable to recall the circumstances of the incident due…
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Mr. Landau traveled to Ocean City, Maryland several times for depositions, court hearings and trial for an appeal of a Maryland Workers Compensation claim. His local counsel, Brian Lee, had handled the original hearing before the comp judge, but Landau was prepared to take the case to the jury. Critical to this preparation was his…
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